How to choose Post Topic to Blog about ?

Bloggers can’t exist without their readers. sometimes bloggers face a situation when there is nothing interesting happening in the community, they don’t find topics to write about. this situation occurs with bloggers who write about technology or other same kind of stuff because a blogger writing a personal blog will never run out of ideas.

One of the thing which most of A-list Blogger do is, they plan out their post ideas in advance. You can use technique call mindmapping to generate lots of ideas, which will be really helpful in long run. Though, not all of us are professional Blogger and many of us blog for fun. But, without new blog posts, your blog would die and we need to fuel it up with new blog posts.

Specially, when you feel there is nothing new to Blog about and you are tired of repeating yourself, that’s where the problem comes. Some of us call it Writer’s block and I call it running out of ideas. I believe in blogging the most important thing is to get an idea, after the idea writing content is not a big deal.
Here are some of the tips which will help you to find topics to write about and something which you will not only be interested in writing, but your readers would love the same.


Take a Look at your blog categories
Whenever you are confused or you are not getting any new topic for your post, first thing to do is just look at your blog categories. It is the same concept “give to the needy”.Check that which category on your blog has less no. of posts and when you find that just start writing for that category. Other steps are simple once you’ve decided that on what topic are you going to write today. Still if you are not getting anything to write about then read the tips below.

Check your comments and e-mail
When you are not getting any new ideas for writing, go ahead and start checking your blog comments. Maybe a reader might have suggested you a topic and you ignored that or he gave you a hint about what he wanted to read but he didn’t find that on your blog. Sometimes it will happen that your readers are facing any problem regarding any of your post or their personal experiences. Some do it by commenting while some by e-mail and maybe answering that question will give you a new idea.
You can also take an example of questions and answer archive of, and notice how smartly Nikhil utilizes users questions to create killer posts.

Visit fellow blogs-
This is one of the best way to get fresh ideas moreover this is the way I get ideas for new topics, when I’m stuck all I do is just “Stumble”  by visiting fellow blogs in my niche and I get to know that what is happening in the community and surely it helps me and it will help you to find some new things to write about. Specially, if you are one of those who likes to write on new topics after learning it, this technique will be very helpful.

Revoke the Past-
This is a good way to get new posts if you are blogging from a long time and you have a significant number of posts on your blog. You can try A Blast From The Past. You can bring out old posts which are still popular and are attracting readers. Just change the time stamp of the post and the post on the bottom will reach the top. well, your old readers might recognize the post but the new ones will think you just wrote it. Though the real idea here is, add new information to make it more attractive and useful. You can take advantage of Slides and videos to make it more meaningful.
If you wish to learn more about this technique, you can refer to's earlier guide on How to recycle old posts and how to promote old Blog posts.

Get from the Tube-
Videos content are easier to compie and even if you are not into Video Blogging, you can always take advantage of videos from Youtube.  Also having videos on your blog will help you to increase the avg. time spent on site and users love to learn by watching videos.
YouTube gets 800 million views per month, when you don’t have ideas just search through the video archives for videos related to your niche and when you find the one which you think your readers will like or is beneficial for them then don’t hesitate to post it because videos are more informative and this will also give your readers a change.

Use Twitter or Social media:
If you are one of those who are using Facebook interest feature or if you have liked lots of fan page in your niche, you can use it to get some new ideas when you don’t have any topic in your mind to write about. Also, you can read our earlier guide on secret of generating Blog topics with Twitter, which will give you plenty of topics to write about.

Subscribe to Google Alerts-
You must be knowing about Google alerts, it is not just a service to to keep your general knowledge up to date but it can be used in a more beneficial way. You can simply add your target Keyword relate to niche and configure it to send you daily updates. This is very smart way to keep an eye on whole web and be first of few bloggers to get notified.If you find anyone has written about a very interesting topic which your readers will like then don’t hesitate in linking to them or just do your own research on the topic, express your views and see you got a new post.

More over, if you mix Social media with your Blogging style, using Google alerts you can always find interesting thing to share on Social media stream.

Start collecting :
Sometimes ideas might strike you while walking, while watching television just don’t let that moment go write your idea on some piece of paper, your cellphone memo or in any notepad file. Usually when you are watching TV, movie or anything you can always relate it to your niche and get some interesting ideas or you can relate it to Blogging. For example, check out following two articles:

Go out and take a walk:
If you are work from home Blogger, chances are high that afters some time you will get tired and your creativity cells will be out of new ideas. Go out for a  walk, have a coffee with your friends and keep your work aside. Just talk casual and you can have a healthy discussion with a group of strangers, you will be amazed to find how many new ideas for your blog you will generate in short time.

Use Discussion forum/Quora:
Quora and reddit are another two very interesting places to find something new to write about. One major benefit of using Quora or sites like Reddit is, not only you will get new topics for writing but answers there will make your research easy. Now, all you need to do is just give it a presentable shape, add your personal touch and publish it. This is for lazy bloggers but still this is effective way to generate quality articles.

You may or may not have been into situation of “I don’t feel like writing” but this is something which happens to every Blogger, Writers and journalists. You can bookmark this article and use it for future references, when you are suffering from “Damn, there is nothing interesting to write about today“. If you have any other technique which works perfect for you, do share it via comments.
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