8 Stress Relievers for Pro Bloggers

Did you know why most bloggers quit even before they start?

Though there are many reasons, stress is being one among them. Most people give up too early because they don’t control their stress.

Seems funny?

According to a research, stress often puts your health at risk and it also leads to career failures. So it’s very important for us to keep less distracted and more focused while blogging.

Blogging sometimes becomes stressful especially if you are working all the day. It’s not so easy for the day jobbers or students to blog consistently without having any stress, agree?
Stress is often a negative feeling which creates a bad impact on your health, time and career. If your stress is getting out of control, try the following top 10 stress relievers. I hope they will work for you to get rid of blogging stress.

1. Listen to soothing music: By far the best and effective methods of stress relieving is listening to music. I often find soothing music to heal my stress and timidness.

2. Wash your bike or car: If you have a bike or car, try washing them out once in a while. Doing some physical work will definitely relieves the stress on you and you will also find it as a better habit if you do it consistently.

3. Go out and chill: Take one or two days leave from your job (or bunk colleges if you are a student) and hang out with your friends. Whenever you come out of your routine, it always makes you live a happy life and it can help you get rid of stress in blogging.

4. Meditate: Have times have heard this term before “meditation makes you healthy and wealthy”? But how many of you have actually tried it? If you have never meditated, you missed a lot. Try to give it a shot today.

How to start meditation as a beginner?
  • Just do 1 minute meditation (in the beginning)
  • Focus on your breath
  • Close your eyes
  • Make yourself comfortable by sitting in chair
  • Tell your family not to disturb while meditating
  • Morning times are often best to meditate
  • Slowly increase your pace from 1 minute to 5 minutes and so on

5. Buy a squeezing stress ball: Let me tell you about my secret of relieving my stress in almost no time – stress ball!
Whenever I feel I’m overdoing something or feeling stressful, I take out my squeezing stress ball and play with it until I feel better 
If you don’t have stress ball yet, it’s time for you to get one. Trust me, you will love it! It will surely help you get rid of your stress, it’s the BEST stress reliever for bloggers.

6. Bring an aquarium: I recommend an aquarium also with the stress ball if you are a serious blogger. Why? Simple reason is… you will LOVE when you are surrounded with beautiful creatures.

Having an aquarium not only increases your focus it will also work as a stress reliever. Moreover you will have a fun time if you have an aquarium with the combination of golden fishes and sharks 

7. Sleep: I prefer sleeping a lot if I don’t feel like working or if I’m extremely undergone into stress. If you are a sleep lover like me, prefer sleeping at least 2 hours whenever you find it hard to get things done. You will feel much better when you wake up, I work efficiently after getting up! I hope this works for you too.

8. Play online/offline games: If you prefer playing outdoor games like cricket, volley ball or foot ball, go for it and spend quality time in having fun with them. Or if you’re an indoor gamer like me, play chess, try racing games or open Facebook and find interesting games (there are millions of games out there!) or do anything whatever it takes to make you happy. Your goal should be enjoying whatever you do to relieve your stress and focus more on your work when you come back.

In a nutshell: Try the above one after the other. If one stress reliever doesn't work, try another and repeat it until you feel better. Then go back to your work be it blogging or marketing with full of energy.

Let me know if you have any more stress relievers that work well for bloggers.
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