How to Block Email Address in Gmail

Gmail is one of my favorite Email client and I have used it for almost last 7 years, when it was launched in beta. Now, Gmail is full of features but there are many things which is not as simple as it should be for readers. If you ever tried to block Email address in Gmail, you would know what I meant here. There is no one click button to block any Email address and all you can find is Spam Email.

From last few days, I have got Emails from a hacked Email ID and instead of hitting spam button Everytime, I wanted to quickly block that email address and stop receiving  further Emails from that particular Email ID. In this article, I will quickly show you how I achieved this and how you can block any Email address in Gmail account of yours. Though, before we move ahead, I’m sure you would want to learn more Gmail tricks and here are some of the articles from past Gmail archive, which you should refer to:


Unfortuneatly, Gmail doesn’t allow a quick solution to block a complete domain or address to block them. The only way to get rid of particular Email address to hit your Inbox is by using Gmail filter. You can set up filters to forward Email from particular address to trash folder or alternatively, you can always apply a label and review them later. Well, I believe in keeping my inbox 0 and the best way is to, trash them forever. So, in this article I will quickly show you how to use Gmail filters to automatically trash all incoming Emails from a particular address to Gmail trash.

Using this setting, you can also trash all earlier Email messages to trash folder. Click on Search box at the top and Click on dropdpwn, and it will bring the advance search option. At the bottom you can see the option which says, create filter with this Search:

In the From address, type the Email address you want to block and click on Create Filter with this search:

Block Email address in Gmail

Now, once you hit the Create Filter with this search, it will give you many options to set your filter. You can automatically Archive it or mark as read or Apply a label. There are more things you can do, like forward all Emails to particular Email address or more. But, in our scenario we will quickly want to trash all new Emails, so select the option which says “delete it” and click on create filters.

Trash Filters in Gmail

If you wish to delete all previous Emails from that particular Email, you can select the option which is next to Create filter ” Also apply filter to xxx Matching Conversations“. Once you selected your option, click on Create filters and you are done. You will get a prompt saying, your filter is created. If you wish to learn more about Gmail filters, you can refer to official guide here. If you wish to learn more Gmail tips, you can download Gmail guide to get started.

I hope this tutorial helped you to block Email address in Gmail and somehow it’s good that Gmail never added this option in Gmail, as depending upon your Emotions, mood or kind of Emails you receiving, One click Email block button may be bad for users.

Do let me know,what all things you do with Gmail filters and for what reasons you usually block an Email address?
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