Free Consultations
This page serves as a single source for many commonly used troubleshooters that can help you resolve your issues in minutes. In some cases, these troubleshooters lead to issue-specific contact forms that generate emails to Adsense team. Google AdSense has developed automated tools, closely monitored by AdSense support specialists, to help fix issues you’ve identified and process these incoming emails, making it possible for us to typically answer your questions in only a few hours.
The new contact options page, troubleshooters, and specialized contact forms are available to all publishers with an approved AdSense account.
For those publishers generally earning more than $25 per week, AdSense Team now offering consultations with members of AdSense Team via email in 33 languages. AdSense Team are happy helping you manage your AdSense account or discussing strategies to grow your business. If your account qualifies, you’ll see an alert notifying you on the contact options page. AdSense Team aim to reply to all consults within two business days, though turnaround may be longer during certain holiday periods. See Original Post at Inside AdSense Blog.
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