BlackBerry on Thursday announced the introduction of new EMI Schemes, for BlackBerry Z10 and BlackBerry Curve 9220 devices in India. Customers can now buy the BlackBerry Z10 via their credit cards (Axis Bank, Citibank, HDFC bank, HSBC, ICICI Bank, Kotak, SBI Card and Standard Chartered) by paying an EMI of Rs 4799 per month for 9 months. BlackBerry Curve 9220 is available where customers can use their credit card to buy the device and pay an EMI of Rs 799 per month for 12 months.
Both the schemes have the unique feature of Rs.0 down payment, 0% processing fee and 0% interest and the plan will be rolled out in 2500 BlackBerry outlets across the country by this weekend and will be available in additional 400 outlets by next week.
On top of it all Idea Cellular customers can avail a 1 GB/month data plan on Curve 9220 at just Rs. 999/year in 8 circles. The implementation of this scheme will be facilitated and overlooked by the financing companies and the carriers will have no role in the process.
The whole proposition of availing the premium experience of BlackBerry Z10 or Curve 9220 by paying a nominal EMI per month is definitely very lucrative and will attract customers.
8 circles where scheme is available are Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh.
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