StandaloneStack – Add Mac-Like Dock To Windows 7 Taskbar

Windows 7 users can now add Mac style Dock setting using StandaloneStack.Standalon Stack is a freeware that can launch any folder in Mac-style popup icon stacks that appear when you click on a shortcut and fade out when you move or click away. Supports two styles of icons: “grid” and “fan”.
Always try to make your Windows as unique as possible. This will create a pleasant working environment. ;) Note that this program is based on “Stacks Docklet“, which is an add-on developed for Mac-Style Windows’ docking launcher such as “RocketDock“, “RK Launcher“, and Y’s Dock, but has been adapted to work from the desktop environment using simple shortcuts.

How to Use “StandaloneStack”?
1. StandaloneStack is a portable application and no installation is needed. You can just run the .exe and in option window.
StandaloneStack Option Settings
2. Now one can create a new stack. As I have shown screenshot below,
StandaloneStack New Stack Creation
3. Once you given stack name and set path. Then click create stack. A shortcut will be created as shown below,
 4. Just Pin this shortcut on Windows 7 taskbar. Tha’s it :) you are done.

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